Southpaw Jones is less inhibited than David Allen Coe, more witty than Letterman, and more white than Michael Jackson.  He's a worse guitarist than most Nashville waiters, but a better songwriter than most Nashville songwriters, and more honest than any of them.  Listening to his songs is like listening to yourself as you drive down the interstate thinking of all the things you should have said at some point in your life but didn't think of until you were driving down the interstate with no one to say them to; or again, like hearing the very best of your wittiest friend's extemporaneous monologues about his misfortunes in love, the downside of life at a conservative religious educational institution, or the state of the Union.  Does that sound boring?  Look into finding a new wittiest friend.  Let me put it this way: if I had only fifteen dollars to my name and were faced with two alternatives, procuring bread and cheese or purchasing a copy of the Southpaw Jones Starter Kit, I would buy bread and cheese, but ONLY because by then I would have already hawked my CD player.  But if I thought I could get a local cafe to play the CD for me, I'd buy Starter Kit, slide into a booth and wait for sweet starvation to take me home.  At least I would die laughing.

Scott "Moses" Murray
Nashville, TN
July 8, 2000