Southpaw Jones
Appearing Live...
Abstract Cafe
May 23, 2000
5-7 PM

Hello friends,

You know, springtime is a lot like the romantic side of my personality.  How so, you ask?  (Stop me if you've heard this one.)  Well, it only comes out once a year.  Then, it usually gets too hot, and people start to complain.  Plus, it makes girls want to get outside and run.

Having said that, let's just get on with the usual Southpaw Jones mailing list update.  We've got a lot of ground to cover...that's a good thing.  Thanks, by the way, for being on the ol' list.  I hope you enjoy these occasional blurbs.  On to the action:

Upcoming Performances

The show at Abstract Cafe (listed above) should be interesting.  This is the place that used to be the Owl's Nest, then 22nd Street Cafe, the site of what I like to call Career Disappointment #362.  We don't need to get into that, though.  Now, the place has a new name and new owners who seem pretty competent.  The time of the performance stinks to high heaven, because I'm not used to performing in the daytime.  However, this could lead to a weekly dinner show, so I'd appreciate any support you might can lend.  Join me for a post-work snack and tunes.

Also, I'll be playing at Guido's again on Saturday, May 27 at 9 PM.  I'm not exactly sure what kind of show this will be, but I can guarantee it will be free and borderline interesting.  I'll send out another message when I know more.

The Web Site

In this time of few shows and fewer romantic prospects, I've had the time to really get some work done on the site, which you can always find at  That link takes you to the welcome screen, which announces updates, new features, and other important stuff.  If you decide to bookmark my site (I'm flattered!), please select this instead of the main page (, or you may miss something.

As you will discover, the site has been broken up into sections, some of which are not quite ready yet.  I can, however, alert you to some especially keen stuff.  First off, you may notice that you can easily sign up yourself or others for the mailing list with a simple form on both the welcome screen and in the Mailing List section.  Tell your friends!  Also, I'd appreciate your participation in the Favorite Song Poll found here:  Finally, be sure to e-mail in a review of the CD if you get the hankerin'.  I've gotten some good ones so far, but no female opinions yet...I need to appeal to all demographics.

The Starter Kit Treading Water

Ok, that's not really true, but I wouldn't say my recently released CD is selling like hot cakes, either.  More like steak biscuits.  That's alright, though, because the disc is now available in so many places, if you still want one, you can't miss it.  Grimey's, the charming new record store in Berry Hill, now carries it.  Tower Records' new Opry Mills location has a healthy number in their Local Section stock.  Is there any other good reason to go to Opry Mills?

Finally, and most impressively, the Starter Kit is now available for direct order on-line using something called "e-commerce." gave me my own site at where you can submit a review, listen to Real Audio samples, and of course, order a CD.  Even if you already have one, the page is worth checking my own dang opinion.

That's It, Then

Yes, that's it for now.  I pity the fool that's read through this whole thing, but I also love the fool, and that's what makes this all so magical.  "Keep your nose clean, keep your head above water, keep your feet on the ground, keep your hands off my daughter." - Todd Snider

At ease,

Chuck "Southpaw" Jones
P.O. Box 150938
Nashville, TN 37215-0938