The Chuck "Southpaw" Jones Home Page

P.O. Box 150938
Nashville, TN 37215-0938

Look for the new album in 2000!

Welcome to the Southpaw Jones Home Page, the center of information regarding my status and work as a performing songwriter.

Check out my self-promoting Booking Information!

Also, scan the one and only review of In Front of People (my SOLD OUT, OUT-OF-PRINT debut CD), featuring a goofy picture of a younger your's truly.

Next official "gigs" for Southpaw Jones:
*Ok, so give me a break, I'm "in the studio" right now! However, I do request your attendance when I return to the stage in December.
There's the future, now check out the past with my newly posted Performance History.

Please e-mail me at if you have any comments, questions, or criticisms...or if you would like to receive my E-mail updates.

A Few Links

Todd Snider
Steve Earle
Bruce Springsteen
Michael Moore
Lenny Bruce
Andy Kaufman
They Might Be Giants
Bill Hicks
Famous Left-Handers (people like me!)

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