The Southpaw Jones Starter Kit Preview |
If you aren't one of the lucky 500 or so blokes who snagged a copy of In Front of People, my...hmm...pitifully loveable 1996 release, you will forever see the Starter Kit as my debut CD. And that's fine with me. The differences between the two are vast. In Front of People was an experiment in which the control was my limited college environment and the variable was my music. I wanted to find out if these diddies of mine were worth anything to anyone upon repeated listenings. The results were encouraging enough to have me seated at a computer working on a web page three years later. Since I'm an entertainer and not an artist (in the gooberlicious sense of the word), I'm not gonna pour my heart and soul into something if real folks ain't likin' it, you know.
Where was I? Ah, yes, The Southpaw Jones Starter Kit, on the other hand, is a collection of fully realized visions (for better or worse). No more excuses. I can no longer say, "We had to record it live and cheap and all I had was an acoustic guitar and this wasn't what I had in mind when I wroter the song, etc." With the immeasureable assitance of Nathan Whitehead, the sounds that were in my melon found their way onto compact disc.
Let me order the CD!---On to Part Three---Back to Part One The Old Site