Southpaw Prints Archive

When I originally set my brainer to coming up with a name for my e-mail updates, Southpaw Prints immediately stood out. I know it's pretty goofy, but it's the only title that could possibly elicit a "that's cute" from my mom. And since she usually responds to my creations with "that's weird" or the ever-ambiguous "that's interesting," I had to go with it.

I've been doing this for quite some time now, adding a bit of spice when I send reminders and announcements to my slowly growing distribution list. I just recently started saving them, though, for the purpose of posting this archive. Obviously, some of the info is going to be outdated and some of the posts will have been composed under stressful, rushed conditions, but I hope you'll enjoy them anyway. Here they are:

Issue One: Southpaw Jones, that's me (10/99)

Issue Two: Once again back hits the incredible (11/99)

Issue Three:  The Starter Kit Cometh! (11/30/99)

Issue Four:  CD Release Fallout (12/8/99)

Issue Five:  Entertainment Weekly (1/14/00)

Issue Six:  TGIF (2/1/00)

Issue Seven:  22nd Street Blues (2/10/00, 2/11/00)

Issue Eight:  Tres Bien Ensemble (4/6/00)

Issue Nine:  Oops! I did it again... (5/17/00)

Issue Ten:  Ultimatum (6/13/00)

Issue Eleven: One Down... (6/13/00)

Issue Twelve: Exiled! (8/1/00)

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